Friday, November 6, 2009

Things that would never ever ever ever happen in New York

I viewed a room for rent yesterday evening (the first one I went to see). A girl in her late 20's has owned this house for about 10 years and has never had a roommate (aside from her ex-husband). She's a cute little thing with long brown hair that was all blown out in feathery waves for a night on the town. I was my usual spazzy self full of nervous energy trying to make a decent impression, but we have a pleasant chat and the place is nice and I told her I'd probably call her over the weekend to let her know if I was interested. So this morning, I get this text message from her - it is 100% completely unedited:

"Hey girly, I hope you have a good first day!! And I hope you decide to be my roommate- I really think we'd get along great and build a great friendshi [sic]. If you decide so, let me know today before I leave out of town, that way I can leave you the key and you have the weekend to settle in and enjoy the house to yourself. Have a good day!"

For the record, I think this is really sweet and I may actually move in with her. . tbc

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